Jan de Bisschop (1628-1671)

Jan de Bisschop (1628-1671)

Jan de Bisschop (1628-1671)

Jan de Bisschop : A prophet




Jan de Bisschop (1628-1671)

Jan de Bisschop : A prophet


Proof on laid paper. Interpretation etching by Jan de Bisschop (1628-1671) after Annibale Carracci (1560-1609).

This plate is part of a set of 157 prints organized in 3 series (‘Signorum Veterum Icones’ I and II and ‘Paradigmata Graphices Variorum Artificum’). Our print is the second plate of the 3rd series ‘Paradigmata Graphices Variorum Artificum’. Production date 1672-1689 (c).  Mentions at the bottom of the print : ”Ann. Car inv.d” and the monogram of Bisschop: ”JE f.” (Nagler III.2254). Plate numbered 2 (top right). For more information, see the British Museum which owns this print: https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/P_1850-0810-755.

Copper-cut. Dimensions : H. 182 mm x W. 115 mm

Condition : traces of glue and minimal paper left on the corners.


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